Tambour was established over 80 years ago, and has grown alongside the State of Israel. Even today, as an international and global competitor, Tambour remains loyal to the values of Israeliness, its guiding principles.
This is what guides Tambour in its commercial activity and can be seen in the adaptation of its products to the Israeli palette, in employing locals and in its aspiration to purchase primarily Israel-made materials while still adhering to international standards. Following the vision of its founders, Tambour has been an active partner in the building of Israel, whether in constructing national-scale infrastructure or in the construction of hundreds of thousands of homes across the country.
As a leader in paint and construction materials in Israel, responsible conduct is at the heart of Tambour’s very being. Indeed, Tambour is an industry leader in sustainability, by Israeli as well as international standards. Nevertheless, our work is never complete, and countless challenges are still ahead.
This corporate responsibility document recognizes our achievements and future aspirations in many fields, including the promotion of customers, social and community involvement, a fitting and enabling work environment, environmental protection and the development of eco-friendly products, adhering to green standards, ethics, and more. In addition, this report details Tambour’s vision and values, and refers to the implementation of these values into all areas of activity.
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